No longer hidden

Submission period closed - Inquir hearings pending

Thank you to the many organisations and individuals who shared stories, statistics and passion to respond to the two opportunities below:

1/ Senate Committee: Inquiry into universal access to reproductive healthcare (until 15 December 2022).

2/ Centre of Perinatal Excellence (COPE): Mental Health Care in the Perinatal Period Clinical Guidelines update draft, community consultation (until 7 January 2023).

Submissions are now closed. Hearings for the Inquiry into universal access to reproductive healthcare remain pending and provide another opportunity to be heard.


You can download and read our submissions here:

TTU submission to the Inquiry into Universal Access to Reproductive Healthcare

TTU response to the Mental Health Care in the Perinatal Period Guideline draft



Research has consistently shown a high incidence of both short-term and long-term psychosocial challenges among people who have received a prenatal diagnosis.

We have shared some of this research on our page, The Need – and there’s much more out there.

Despite the research, the experience of prenatal diagnosis remains hidden. 

There are many ways to help:

No longer hidden - write and send your own response

Visit the Inquiry into universal access to reproductive healthcare webpage to find out more. You can upload, email, or send your thoughts. It is best to try and focus your response around the specific terms of reference. Submissions close 15 December 2022. 

Visit the COPE draft guideline community consultation webpage to learn more. You can download the draft guidelines and download a specific template for feedback. The template is helpful for the working group, but we have confirmed they will also accept submissions that do not use the template. Send your thoughts through to COPE at Submissions close January 7 2023. 

If you are looking for statistics to include, you can see our page  The Need, for some ideas. However, your stories and your support for improving the experience of prenatal diagnosis is enough. What matters, is being no longer hidden.

We will soon prepare our formal submissions. Join our mailing list to receive an email when these are available to review.

Join the campaign by participating in our solutions focused meeting

Join us for a solutions-focused discussion about these two significant opportunities.

Monday 5th December 7:30pm (AEDT – Melbourne)
Online – Zoom. 

Please follow this link to register for the online forum.

Join the campaign and sign up to the mailing list

Stay informed about the consultation period, our activities and opportunities by joining our mailing list. 

Join the campaign - share the news with friends

We will send these images out through Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Please share the posts and invite people to show their support by sending their own thoughts through to the inquiry and consultation.