Sotos Syndrome Australasia » directory

Use this directory to find patient support organisation including condition and diagnosis-specific formal and informal groups and Disabled Persons and Family Organisations.

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If you are looking for mental health and wellbeing related supports, such as therapists and peer support, please search the Centre of Perinatal Excellence e-COPE directory.

Photo of Sotos Syndrome Australasia

Sotos Syndrome Australasia

Location of support Australia wide Website:

About the organisation

The Sotos Syndrome Australasia (Inc.) is a non-profit organisation that provides advocacy for Sotos Syndrome in Australasia. The Association aims to connect and provide support for families, carers and individuals affected by Sotos Syndrome, while endeavouring to increase awareness, understanding and acceptance of Sotos Syndrome within the medical community, education sector and general community.

Condition or anomaly

Sotos syndrome, NSD1