Fragile X Association of Australia » directory

Use this directory to find patient support organisation including condition and diagnosis-specific formal and informal groups and Disabled Persons and Family Organisations.

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If you are looking for mental health and wellbeing related supports, such as therapists and peer support, please search the Centre of Perinatal Excellence e-COPE directory.

Photo of Fragile X Association of Australia

Fragile X Association of Australia

Location of support Australia wide Contact phone: 1300 394 636 Website:

About the organisation

Fragile X Association of Australia is a member-based organisation which serves as the peak body for the Fragile X community across Australia.

We offer information, support, education, advocacy and referrals to individuals who are impacted by Fragile X-associated disorders and to their families, carers and health and disability service providers.

Helpline 5 days per week
Support to individuals and families
Seminars and workshops
Information and referrals

Our small team of staff is based in Sydney and is supported by a Board of eight volunteer directors and other committed volunteers across the states.

Condition or anomaly

Fragile X, CGG repeats,